Five years of content creation related to asset management topics provides a great foundation for where there is continual interest. Google also provides a great way of tracking which insights are steady in their interest year-over-year. As we celebrate our fifth anniversary, here are the top six steady asset management topics as we head into 2025.
JD Solomon Solutions Blog
We created the JD Solomon Solutions blog in 2020 when we began the business. We believe there was greater value in providing our clients with trending content than self-serving newsletters.
The topics for the blog insights come from the hot topics we see in our consulting practice, which focuses on asset management (including reliability and risk), program development, facilitation, and the environment.
“Steady” is Determined by Several Factors
We use Google Analytics to track the number of visitors to your blog posts over time. We compare the year-over-year numbers and look for the consistently high posts with the least variability.
We use views and comments as our primary engagement metrics.
Our final evaluation is based on a weight-of-evidence approach.
Steady Interest According to Our Blog & Google
These are the top six topics we published in the last five years that are consistently high in interest.
Using SOAP Will Save Your Criticality Analysis Time and Money
The Solomon-Oldach Asset Prioritization (SOAP) method is an alternate method for conducting criticality analysis for use on industrial assets and public infrastructure; SOAP can result in staff time savings of up to 70% compared to traditional methods, which are time-consuming and sometimes misleading.
Originally posted in February 2021
Improving System Performance Starts with a Criticality Analysis
Criticality analysis is the best way to prioritize organizational activities such as business process improvements, condition assessments, preventative maintenance program improvement, workforce development, work prioritization, inventory management & critical spares, predictive maintenance programs, health & safety improvements, design or re-designs, O&M budget development, CIP prioritization, and communications. Improving system performance starts with criticality analysis.
Originally posted in February 2022.
Controversial Thoughts on Operationalizing Asset Management for Better Results
Are you drowning in the many activities related to what to do in your asset management program? Are you spending valuable resources and little very few short-term results? Are you tired of paying large sums of money to consultants and software vendors?
Originally published in December 2022.
Asset Management History Empowers Critical Infrastructure Rules of Thumb
History often frames the way we do things in the present and future. Asset management is no exception. Understanding asset management history enables and empowers the current generation to use several critical infrastructure rules of thumb.
Originally published in October 2023.
Five Ways to More Effectively Facilitate Tree Diagrams
The foundations of systems thinking and facilitation apply to tree diagrams, rich with many parts and the logic that connects them. The five ways to more effectively facilitate tree diagrams enhance a facilitator’s ability to guide the participants through a series of predefined steps to arrive at a result that is created, understood, and accepted by all.
Originally posted in March 2022.
Why Consider Asset Obsolescence Before Field Condition Assessments
Obsolescence is a driving force behind the decisions to renew or replace assets. As part of asset management policy, incorporating obsolescence saves resources associated with a field condition assessment program, improves decision making, minimizes organizational risk, and maximizes ratepayer value.
Originally published in March 2023.
Asset Management Topics of Steady Interest
Google searches, views, and likes are one source for understanding trending infrastructure and facility topics as we move into 2025. We were not surprised that criticality analysis, rule-of-thumb, operationalizing asset management, and asset obsolescence made the list. We were a little surprised that popular topics like reliability assessments and risk matrices were more streaky than steady, at least when it comes to the blog.
JD Solomon Inc. provides solutions for program development, asset management, and facilitation at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Visit our Asset Management page for more information related reliability, risk management, resilience, and other asset management services. Subscribe for bi-monthly updates related to our firm.