The prestigious Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) annual conference is coming to Raleigh for the first time. The event will be from October 17 to 20 at the Raleigh Convention Center. JD Solomon, Inc will be providing the following workshops and presentations.
Workshop: How to Get Your Boss’s Boss to Understand
Getting your boss’s boss to understand is one of the most challenging jobs for a technical professional. Senior management frequently does not understand concepts related to reliability, risk, and resiliency. Texts and guidance documents often reference the importance of better communication and education; however, limited practical guidance is provided. This session will fill some of these gaps and specifically target front-line professionals in their role as trusted advisors to senior decision makers.
Session: How Baseball Teaches Us Everything We Need to Know About Human Error
This session will explore the practical applications of human error. Human error is a subset of the broad and diverse subject of Human Reliability Analysis (HRA). There are more than 30 methodologies of varying complexities to evaluate human reliability. This proliferation creates confusion among practitioners. The parallel comparison of human error in the facilities and infrastructure workplace will be made with human errors in baseball.
Workshop: How To Be A Better Facilitator Of RCA, FMEA, & Other Reliability Methods
Facilitation is an essential skill for technical professionals working in group environments. Maintenance and reliability education does not include formal facilitation training and professionals are left to learn on the job. Unfortunately, many of our key analytical tools are dependent on the quality of the facilitation. This session will provide some key tips and pointers to assist the maintenance and reliability professional to move from being a good facilitator to becoming a great one. The workshop will focus directly on facilitated methods and tools that are most commonly used by maintenance and reliability professionals - failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), root cause analysis (RCA), reliability block diagrams, and fault trees.
The Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) is a not-for-profit professional society formed by practitioners to advance the maintenance, reliability, and physical asset management profession. As its tagline says, “The Society by Practitioners, for Practitioners.”
JD Solomon, Inc provides consulting services related to program development, asset management (including reliability and risk), and facilitation for facilities, infrastructure and the natural environment. JD Solomon has been a regular presenter at SMRP conferences and workshops, and webinars for many years.