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Cat stuck in a tree.  Facilitors communicaiting with finesse never get stuck in a tree (diagram)
Ever seen a cat's skeleton in a tree? Nope, they always come down. Some facilitators get stuck in the proverbial tree and never make it down.

This article discusses five ways to effectively facilitate tree diagrams by conducting pre-session exchanges, asking powerful questions, using exercises that engage, anticipating disruption, and controlling the tempo. The foundations of systems thinking and facilitation apply to tree diagrams because the analysis requires a group to establish the nature of separate and inter-related components.

Facilitation is defined as a structured session(s) in which the meeting leader (the facilitator) guides the participants through a series of predefined steps to arrive at a result that is created, understood, and accepted by all participants." As provided in the definition, the fundamentals of good facilitation are always essential, including having a structure for developing tree diagrams that include predefined steps and a process for arriving at results that are created, understood, and accepted by all participants.

Facilitating Tree Diagrams

A tree diagram is a management tool that depicts the hierarchy of tasks and subtasks needed to complete an objective. The finished diagram bears a resemblance to a tree. (American Society for Quality, 2019).

Having a diagram makes a problem conceptually easier to understand. A tree diagram also is known as a systematic diagram, analytical tree, hierarchy diagram, and tree analysis. While conceptually the diagram eases understanding, facilitators should continually remind themselves that there is nothing easy or simple about bringing a group to common understanding when the title has words like systematic, analytical, or hierarchy.

The following types of fault trees are referenced as relative to this article.

  • Fault trees – typically used in failure analysis

  • Cause-consequence diagram – used in root cause analysis; similar to fault trees

  • Event Trees – used to show a future state and all of the premises that would make it occur

  • Decision Trees – used to graph decisions and their possible outcomes

  • Probability Trees – used to graph decisions, assign probabilities and calculate impacts

  • Influence Diagrams – used to program calculations and create computer models

If you get confused, remember there are two major types of tree diagrams. Backward-looking tree diagrams are normally associated with finding fault or causation. Forward-looking trees are normally associated with future actions or activities. The logic gates, such as “and” meaning all preceding events must happen or an "or" means either of the preceding events can happen, is the same whether looking forward or backward.

The greatest challenge of developing a tree diagram is working through the logic that must tie together the many parts (complexity). An associated challenge is the difficulty in developing the chart visually with a team, regardless of the size of the whiteboard you use or the type of software (including Excel) that you employ.

These are five ways to be more effectively facilitate tree diagrams.

Pre-Session Exchange

In previous articles, in-person discussions, virtual discussions, and online surveys are referenced as viable forms of pre-session exchange. Pre-session exchange should also include discussions with the executive sponsor to confirm their goals, sensitivities, and expected outcomes of the facilitated session.

The pre-session exchange should be used to develop an accurate tree diagram before the facilitated session. One reason is that tree diagrams can take several forms and requires several iterations. Developing the tree diagram from scratch during the session takes too much time, leads to participant frustration, and hurts the facilitator's credibility. A second reason is that using commercially available software prior to the session provides a check that the logic that has been used is correct.

Data is essential for developing a tree diagram in the pre-session exchange. Data and the information related to how it logically tie together are also essential components of developing a pre-session tree diagram. In most cases, the facilitator will need to utilize in-person discussions, virtual discussions, and online research in the pre-session exchange.

Powerful Questions

Great facilitators use imagination phrases like "Think about…", "Imagine…", and "Consider…." There should be a balance between expanding the thinking and avoiding unrealistic speculation when developing event trees, decision trees, and probability trees. Something on the order of the 5th and 95th percentile usually sets a realistic boundary to keep the participants grounded. When doing fault trees, the rule is to stay focused on what has occurred and what may be in the participant's actual experience, and not on something they have heard might have happened or something they saw on social media.

For tree diagrams, choosing a starting point can shape the content of powerful questions. The facilitator may choose one or more starting points: the documented effect (consequence), the starting point, one or more functions, or one or more themes. In the case of functions and themes, the facilitator should consider these as starting in the middle, with the intention of tying together different logic trees from subgroups of specialists. The major takeaway is that the starting point shapes the questions that are asked and how they are asked.

Exercises That Engage

The most engaging exercise when developing a tree diagram is to develop the tree diagram by hand during the actual session. Tree diagrams, especially those generated from software, are visually overwhelming to most people. Plus, each person moves around different places on the diagram to better understand it. Doing it together helps the action stay directed and keeps the participants fully engaged.

Framing the problem is especially important when facilitating the development of a tree diagram. Setting boundary conditions is an engaging operating exercise that gets participants engaged. Many different approaches and tools can be used.

Sticky notes exercises, especially sticky dot exercises, are overworked in facilitated sessions. However, the best format to use sticky notes is in developing tree diagrams because they allow the participants to evolve and pivot their logic in a hands-on manner. Custom sticky notes in the forms of boxes, circles, diamonds, and other shapes can also be obtained affordably.

Anticipate Disruption

All of the previously discussed approaches in other articles to anticipate and mitigate disruption apply. These approaches include well-defined approaches for creating a “parking lot” of contentious issues, establishing a smaller facilitation advisory team, pivoting to breaks, not engaging in arguments, and projecting interactive information onto a board or screen.

One big disruptor is related to disputes in logic. For example, in developing cause-consequence diagrams, many participants will have different opinions on the causation (i.e., different 5 Whys). A different example is related to probability trees, where participants often dispute the reality of certain alternatives or the relative range of probability of occurrence even if they can agree on the alternatives.

The best advice is to capture everything and then sort through it later. Putting everyone’s ideas on the whiteboard or projected screen calms a combative audience while trying to sort out the best solution in front of the entire team only tends to escalate emotions.

Remember that tress diagrams require the most iteration of all of the types of technical facilitation. Regardless of participant availability or scope of services, logic necessarily takes cool heads. Facilitators must be persistently patient.

Controlling the Tempo

Tree diagrams are a journey in logic and require fresh, level-headed minds. Pre-session exchange and the preliminary tree diagram developed through those exchanges are essential efficiently and effectively. Shorter, iterative sessions help minimize fatigue.

Capturing everyone's thoughts and not trying to discount anyone too early is a good approach for minimizing disruption. All of these approaches also help control the tempo.

Having a structured approach is important to any type of facilitation. Tree diagrams are no exception. Participants need to know what they are doing, the sequence they are doing it, how they will know when it is time to stop, and what information will be developed or modified between sessions. A guiding graphic of the process is extremely helpful in controlling the temp.

Performing a sensitivity analysis is also effective in controlling the temp because it shows the progress being made and refreshes the audience. This is especially true in the case of probability trees. It is also true in less obvious ways in fault trees when debating the impact of Boolean logic of "and" our "or" gates. Understanding the sensitivities clarifies the relative impact of one form of logic or argument on another.

Thinking About It

The foundations of systems thinking and facilitation apply to tree diagrams, rich with many parts and the logic that connects them. The five ways to more effectively facilitate tree diagrams enhance a facilitator’s ability to guide the participants through a series of predefined steps to arrive at a result that is created, understood, and accepted by all. Seek to make your tree diagram facilitation better than most, or better yet, above all others.


JD Solomon Inc provides facilitation at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Contact us for more information about facilitation services ranging from Strategic Plans and Board Retreats to Criticality Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, and Capital Program Development. For more information on JD’s new book or to join the community of technical professionals committed to learning how to get their boss’s boss to understand, visit Communicating with FINESSE or sign-up for updates.

Communicating with FINESSE fishbone diagram - artist rendering

JD Solomon Inc has launched a new area of focus. Communicating with FINESSE will focus on products, namely two books, and related corporate training. JD Solomon, Inc will continue to concentrate on our core business related to program development, asset management, and facilitation. The subdivision allows our merry band of five to continue focusing on our core clients and services. In contrast, one part-time team member focuses on publicity and interfaces with our related products.

The separate focus on Communicating with FINESSE prevents flooding our clients and customers with unwanted emails and other communications. JD Solomon Inc primarily provides content, has limited emails promoting our services to clients, and is geographically focused in the central and eastern United States. Communicating with FINESSE plays to a global market, which corresponds to the international sales of the first edition of Communicating to Decision Makers, and will have an aggressive social media presence. We believe that it benefits our clients to minimize the potential noise created if our two focus areas are not separated.

The second edition of Communicating Reliability, Risk, and Resiliency to Decision Makers: How to Get Your Boss’s Boss to Understand was originally scheduled to coincide with the book's 3rd anniversary in June of 2020. However, launching the new business in late 2019 and the onset of the COVID pandemic put those plans on hold. The second edition manuscript is in the editing process. Its release is targeted for June 2020, its fifth anniversary.

Communicating with FINESSE is the new training paradigm that began in latter 2019. COVID wreaked havoc on live training events but did provide the opportunity to improve FINESSE through webinars and a few virtual events. The book Communicating with FINESSE focuses on the training aspects and case studies. The second edition of Communicating to Decision Makers becomes the comprehensive book that includes supporting notes and a great bibliography of additional resources. The first edition of Communicating with FINESSE is scheduled for the fall of 2022.

We hope you will visit Communicating with FINESSE and sign-up for updates on the two books. All contact information is confidential and we plan only one to two email updates each month. And again, any contact information or communication related to JD Solomon Inc is maintained separately from Communicating with FINESSE.

JD Solomon


JD Solomon Inc provides services at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Our core services are Program Development (Decisions, Development, & Delivery), Asset Management (Reliability, Risk, & Resiliency), and Facilitation (People, Processes, & Performance).

JD Solomon facilitating classroom FMEA on left and team examinign equipment on right.
FMEAs must be more than a paper exercise if they are to be effective.

This article discusses five ways to facilitate failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) more effectively by conducting pre-session exchanges, asking powerful questions, using exercises that engage, anticipating disruption, and controlling the tempo. The foundations of systems thinking and facilitation apply to failure modes and effects analysis because the analysis requires a group to establish the nature of separate and inter-related components.

Facilitation is defined as a structured session(s) in which the meeting leader (the facilitator) guides the participants through a series of predefined steps to arrive at a result that is created, understood, and accepted by all participants." As provided in the definition, the fundamentals of good facilitation are always essential, including having a structure for an FMEA that includes predefined steps and a process for arriving at results that are created, understood, and accepted by all participants.

Facilitating Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a process, a product, or a service. It is a common process analysis tool (American Society for Quality, 2019).

There are many positive and negative aspects associated with FMEAs. One of the greatest negative aspects is the length of time required by a cross-function team. FMEAs are certainly a drain on short-term resources and their duration makes them boring. Effective facilitation minimizes these negative effects while not compromising the technical integrity of the analysis.

The greatest positive aspect is the understanding of system components by a cross-functional team of the people most close to the action. The power of bringing an operation to a common understanding cannot be overstated. Effective facilitation makes the difference in success.

FMEA subject matter expert Carl Carlson (, 2017) cites the following as basic skills for facilitating FMEAs:

• Brainstorming

• Asking Probing Questions

• Encouraging Participation

• Asking Thought-Starter Questions

• Active Listening

• Controlling Discussion

• Making Decisions

• Conflict Management

• Facilitator Interventions

• Managing Time

Pre-Session Exchange

In previous articles, in-person discussions, virtual discussions, and online surveys are referenced as viable forms of pre-session exchange. Pre-session exchange should also include discussions with the executive sponsor to confirm their goals, sensitivities, and expected outcomes of the facilitated session.

The pre-session exchange for failure modes and effects analysis can produce comparable results if done either in-person or virtually. The breakpoint is usually whether the facilitator intends to do a site visit to examine large and complex systems. Pre-session surveys are usually not sufficient unless the purpose of the survey is to educate participants on the scope and process of the FMEA.

In addition to technical background information, pre-session participant exchanges should identify any experienced facilitators (especially those with FMEA experience) and subject matter experts with comprehensive background experience with FMEAs.

The nature of the background information should be sufficient for the facilitator to draft the problem frame (physical and operational boundaries), draft the system function statement, preload some aspects of FMEA worksheets, and develop draft reliability block diagrams (RBDs) or process flow diagrams. The intent should not be to understand the system(s) fully or to populate all aspects in advance fully; rather, the intent is to enable the facilitator to have sufficient information to "hit the ground running" and not lose the attention of participants in the early parts of the FMEA session(s).

Powerful Questions

Great facilitators use imagination phrases like "Think about…", "Imagine…", and "Consider…." With failure modes and effects analysis, it is important to remember to avoid hypotheticals since the issue at hand is to recreate an actual event.

Opening questions that frame probabilities and possibilities are good. A weak question is, "How does a centrifugal pump fail?" A better question is something like, "Remember when you have seen other centrifugal pumps like this (brand x, y, or z) fail. Think about how those similar pumps failed. What were some of the similarities? What were some of the differences? Now, how does this centrifugal pump fail?”

Asking Powerful Questions is an essential FMEA facilitator skill.

FMEAs are both specific and speculative. FMEAs also require systems thinking because every part is analyzed separately, but some understanding of the inter-related relationships is needed to identify all of the failure modes and related characteristics. It is not necessary for an FMEA facilitator to understand all of the components and their interactions. However, asking powerful questions of the participants, especially subject matter experts, is the most necessary skill of every FMEA facilitator.

Exercises That Engage

An exercise that quickly engages participants is drawing a reliability block diagram of the system to be analyzed on a whiteboard at the start of the session. The facilitator should have a fully developed diagram as part of the pre-session exchange. However, drawing the block diagram one piece at a time provides an opportunity to engage (and clarify) that there is a common understanding of the system. In some cases, a participant will come forward to draw or re-draw parts of the diagram – great facilitators know that this is a good thing and embrace participants becoming fully engaged in the process.

Failure modes and effects analysis must be more than a paper exercise if it is to be effective. One simple exercise is to use a ball valve or gate valve to interactively demonstrate the FMEA process (pick one up at Home Depot or Lowes Home Improvement if you do not have one in your facilitator bag). FMEAs are preferably performed at sites where systems are located, so components that are part of the FMEA can be demonstrated (and preferably taken apart) as another hands-on exercise.

Anticipate Disruption

All of the previously discussed approaches in other articles to anticipate and mitigate disruption apply. These approaches include well-defined approaches for creating a “parking lot” of contentious issues, establishing a smaller facilitation advisory team, pivoting to breaks, not engaging in arguments, and projecting interactive information onto a board or screen.

Of special relevance to failure modes and effects analysis is handling subject matter experts (SMEs). The disruptions usually occur between different disciplines (i.e., electrical versus mechanical with physical systems and software specialists versus end users with business processes). Another common disruptor is from SMEs who operated the systems many years ago correcting current SMEs on how the system works (or should work).

Facilitators should use time to their advantage when disruptions occur.

Despite best efforts, disruptions will occur during the course of SMEs working together for several days on the ways things fail. Facilitators should have multiple approaches for handling the back and forth. The most important thing is to minimize hot emotions by focusing on the long haul. If there is a major criticism of FMEA, it is the time that it takes. Facilitators should use time to their advantage when disruptions occur.

Controlling the Tempo

FMEA sessions are necessarily long and detailed. They often occur over multiple days, so there will be an ebb and flow to the session, the day, and the week. Facilitator and participant fatigue is a reality.

The use of multiple facilitators is one way to control the tempo. In one sense, using a second or third facilitator is a humbling experience for a good facilitator; however, a great facilitator empathizes with the need for variety among the participants to hold their interest. Understand the value of additional facilitators – even those who may not be as good as the primary facilitator.

Another technique is to gauge participant fatigue and walk the site. Getting participants on their feet and seeing the equipment or processes is another way to control the tempo and mitigate fatigue. Seeing the equipment or process is usually necessary anyway, or at least something like it if you are doing a design FMEA. I prefer to keep the "walkabout" in my back pocket (off the agenda) and choose the right time to use it.

Another technique is simply knowing when to stop for the day or week. All third-party consultants have scopes of services and all internal participants have tight calendars. It takes courage, and some additional backup planning, to know when non-productive fatigue has arrived. However, getting results that are created, understood, and accepted by all participants requires flexibility.

Thinking About It

The foundations of systems thinking and facilitation apply to failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). The five ways to more effectively facilitate FMEAs enhance a facilitator’s ability to guide the participants through a series of predefined steps to arrive at a result that is created, understood, and accepted by all. Seek to make your FMEA facilitation better than most, or better yet, above all others.


JD Solomon Inc provides facilitation at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Contact us for more information about facilitation services ranging from Strategic Plans and Board Retreats to Criticality Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, and Capital Program Development. For more information on JD’s new book or to join the community of technical professionals committed to learning how to get their boss’s boss to understand, visit Communicating with FINESSE or sign-up for updates.

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