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Pee Dee River Basin Council Launches Into Phase 2 of Water Planning Effort

Writer's picture: NewsNews

SCDNR, Clemson University, USGS, and several consultnats including JD Solomon provide support for the Pee Dee RBC.
Clemson's Tom Walker, Facilitator JD Solomon. and SCDNR's Brooke Czwartacki, Andy Wachob, and Scott Harder are the support team for the Pee Dee RBC

The 25-person Pee Dee River Basin Council (RBC) has moved into Phase 2 of its 24-month program. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is the lead agency. Brown and Caldwell (BC) and JD Solomon Inc are teamed to provide facilitation and plan development. JD Solomon is the lead facilitator for the effort.

Phase 2 consists of refining and applying three different models of the basin. SCDNR is developing water demand projections and CDM Smith is performing the surface water modeling. Both models are Excel-based. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is providing the groundwater model of the basin using the finite difference model MODFLOW.

The Pee Dee RBC will review and refine the models over the next few months. The outputs will be the basis of strategies, monitoring, and risk management recommendations developed specifically for this basin. Subsequent phases will include prioritizing and negotiating the different strategies among the different interests and developing the report.

In other recent news, the Pee Dee RBC elected long-time basin resident and businessman Buddy Richardson as chair and Waccamaw Riverkeeper Cara Schildtknecht as Vice-Chair.

Visit the Pee Dee River Basin Council website for more information.


JD Solomon Inc provides facilitation, asset management, and program development at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the natural environment. Founded by JD Solomon, Communicating with FINESSE is a not-for-profit community of technical professionals committed to being better trusted advisors. Visit the CWF website for guest insights from practitioners on effective ways to communicate with decision makers.


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