Hopefully, you have already determined the purpose of the condition assessment, developed a subsystem-asset approach based on criticality, approved an evaluation (scoring) framework, determined which specialists will be performing the work, approved the existing asset data that will be used in the field, and decided whether to include out-of-service or soon to be out-of-service equipment. Now you are ready to launch the fieldwork.
Or are you ready?
These are ten important things to verify before putting your resources in the field.
Data collection devices – paper or electronic
Equipment that needs to be in service (or out of service) to do the assessment
Collection of missing nameplate data
Identification and naming of new assets
Inaccessible assets – re-schedule or evaluate based on O&M personnel opinion
Pictures – individual assets or general area
Daily briefing – daily work plan, health & safety, security, access, special conditions
Handling imminent failure, if encountered, to field team or operations staff
Daily de-briefing – exceptions, exclusions, verification, health & safety issues
Download daily data – who, how, and file location
Of course, each day’s work will need to be rolled up into progress reviews (usually bi-weekly), a final field sweep (near the end of the schedule), a comprehensive quality control review, and loading the data into the enterprise asset management system (EAMS).
There is much to consider when developing a condition assessment program. There is equally much to consider when deploying and executing the fieldwork. Unfortunately, the work's quality, budget, and schedule are severely compromised when we do not consider all of the aspects.
JD Solomon Inc provides services at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Contact us for more information about developing condition assessment frameworks, third-party reviews of field condition projects, and recommendations for applying and maintaining the data.